Saturday, March 13, 2010

White Blossoms on a Cloudy Day

We had a sprinkling of snow yesterday, March 12, then the sun appeared and warmed the earth and our spirits. One of our plum trees is blossoming and looks so pretty against the blue sky and the cumulus clouds were quite stunning. My little camera was happy once again to snap a few pictures - where would I be without my little camera?

The west coast is a charming place to be, rain or shine. Thank you for stopping by and visiting my journal. Michelle

The plum the cherry and every tree in sight
your branches once bare, are now pink and white
It’s time to awaken from your wintery slumber
your blossoms delicate and so many to number

A gentle breeze sweeps, few raindrops fall
blossoms, not disturbed, adorn trees so tall
Your colours they shimmer against skies so blue
the plum, the cherry and the peach tree too

Your show is not finished until life force decides

when your beauty, so fleeting, quickly subsides
Thank you for this blessing and the joy you bring
from all of us and the birds that sing!
- by me (Michelle)

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